Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Having a sister rocks!

Growing up, I (Tammy) always wanted a sister. For most of my childhood I was an only child. At 10 and 12, I was blessed with half brothers, although we didn't grow up in the same house. Like a good big sis, I played with my little brothers...even dressed them up like girls a few times, did their hair and made them look pretty. Sorry Jason and Josh!

Sunday night, a group of my closest friends blessed me with an evening of worship, prayer, encouragement from Scripture and the sweetest of fellowship in anticipation of Charis coming home. Charis received many beautiful things...clothes, sheets, books, toys, her own American Girl doll (made in China, BTW!) and so much more. But the greatest gift she will receive from these women is their generous, selfless, beautiful love. I have known some of them for 6 months, others for almost 16 years. And the bond that unites us is so precious to me. It is strong. It is pure. It is powerful. It is deep. It is family. It is Christ. I truly have more sisters than I can count.

God delights in answering our prayers. And I think He loves to bless us with our heart's desires, even beyond our heart's desires. My longing for a sister has been answered more times than I ever officially asked for one through women more amazing than I could ever have imagined. How much love can a person receive? For I have been given so much that my heart is about to burst!

My sweet Charis, you have a family...a mom and a dad and 2 sets of grandparents who already absolutely adore you, a wonderful, kind, godly big brother, a thoughtful, generous, nurturing little sister, more "aunts" than you can count... and "cousins"! LOTS OF COUSINS! GIRL COUSINS WHO WILL BE YOUR FRIENDS, YOUR PLAYMATES AND ONE DAY, YOUR SISTERS! Oh, how incredibly beautiful the body of Christ is.