Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sugar and SPICE and everything nice

Hunan Province in China is known for its spicy food. I am told that the girls there are known as spicy girls because they LOVE very hot, spicy food! The Walkers' little girl, Esther, certainly fits the bill. When they were delayed a few hours in the airport waiting area, the attendants brought the passengers 2 bowls of food each. Trina said one bowl was steamed rice, the other bowl looked something like octopus legs. Realizing her new family wasn't quite sure what to do, Esther found a ledge by the window on which to place her bowls, motioned for her family to follow her and dug right in. After tasting the food, she grabbed a bottle of water and gave it to her mom...not because she was thirsty but because she knew her mom would need the water. Those things that looked like octopus legs were SPICY!

I've decided that when God made our little Charis, He made sure that SPICE was in the mix...just for her Daddy! After all, that's what little girls are made of!!! We certainly are fearfully and wonderfully made.